What do I need to do to become a Mentor?

1. Fill out the application form and email to us.

2. Once received we'll review your answers and contact you by phone                                (within 1 week) 

3. We'll invite you in for an Interview to get to know you.

           (Approximately 1 hour).

                   -We'll give you more information about Mentoring and our programs

                   - We'll give you reference forms to get filled out.

                   - We'll give you directions on how to apply for your Police check 
4. You'll contact 3 people to speak on your behalf as a reference for you.                            (Reference forms will be provided to you).

                   -You'll provide your references with these forms to fill out and

                                return to us. 

5. We'll review your references and contact them to clarify any questions we have.            (within 2 week of receiving the forms).
6. We'll do a Background check, including a police check.
7. Once you've been cleared and approved, we'll invite you for training. 

                   -Group training takes place in 4-6 sessions over 3 weeks

8. We will do a home assessment with you.  (1 on 1 Mentors only) 

9. Once you're selected to be a mentor we'll get you involved.

                   -You'll join our group programs and meet the kids. (min 4 weeks)

                   -Through group programs, we'll observe you with the various                                          children and then select a child for your match.

So you're thinking about becoming a mentor. That's great! Before your fill out that form, please review this page to help you assess if Mentoring is for you.

Children and youth require someone to guide them through the difficulties of growing up. they need praise, encouragement, advice and of course a little fun along the way. But they have parents, isn't that enough? Unfortunately, no. It takes a community of positive adult role models to build a responsible, resilient child and guide them on their path to achieve success. So this is where a Mentor can play a really important role.  

The children and youth involved with BGM are needing positive role models to help them navigate the difficulties of growing up and develop some skills to make healthy choices. But even more than that, they need someone to listen to them, engage them and share meaningful experiences with.  

In simplest terms, Mentoring is being a friend for a child or youth. 

You'd be surprised though the impact Mentoring can have on yourself, you cannot spend time playing and learning with a child and not come away changed. The impact on our mentors is just as real and significant as our clients.  

However, when we are spending time with another person's child,  we are held to a higher level of responsibility and required to abide by a greater number of rules and regulations. The screening process is thorough and the expectation is high, so it is not a role everyone is ready to fill.

The purpose of this page to to give you an understanding of what is required to be a mentor so you can make an informed decision to apply with our program. 

Further, our orientation and training program is designed to help us determine your suitability to Mentor with our program and to provide you with the necessary information and guidance you need to become a Mentor. 

So is mentoring for you? Take the quiz to the right and see if you fit our qualifications.


If Mentoring is for you, click below.

The mentor quiz

Is Mentoring for me?

The following statements describe an ideal mentor. If you agree with most or all of these statements...then mentoring might be for you.

I am responsible and trustworthy

I can control my emotions my words and my actions

I am caring and compassionate

I enjoy listening to young people and taking interest in them

I can respect their beliefs and values

I can carry a conversation with a young person

I am good at problem solving

I enjoy having fun and can be energetic if needed

I can set realistic expectations

I am flexible and can handle unexpected changes

I am relatable and comfortable being myself

I enjoy spending time with young people
I can plan activities my Mentee enjoys

I can commit to meeting regularly with my Mentee
I am willing to commit for a minimum of a year

I make an effort to not miss scheduled outings

I am respectful of my Mentee family's privacy

I am respectful for my Mentee's privacy

I respect the family's wishes when planning outings

I am comfortable communicating with the Mentee's parents/guardians and my caseworker
I respect the supervisory process and am always truthful
I take the safety of myself and my Mentee seriously
I am comfortable with taking responsibility for the safety               and security of my Mentee when in my care

I do not keep secrets and report any concerns to my                     caseworker

I do not partake in illegal or illicit drugs, smoking or    

        over-consumption of alcohol 

I would never engage in inappropriate behaviour around               my Mentee

Most people would agree to a majority of the characteristics mentioned above. But if you disagreed with many of them, it may be worth re-considering whether mentoring a child is for you.

Or, you can get in touch with us for more information before making your decision.

  Mission:To match children and youth, who will benefit, with mentors who will help them build confidence and self-esteem.