We would like to think that all children and youth have unlimited resources, support and the ability to achieve success in life. Unfortunately, some families struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis and just don't have access to resources the rest of us take for granted.

And to top it off, growing up can be tough! With so many negative influences out there, the distraction of media, bullying and a multitude of conflicting voices, how does a child navigate these years alone? 

That's where Mentoring comes in. When a child is paired with a positive adult friend, they don't have face these struggles alone. And this is what can make a huge difference in a child's life.

The research shows it too. A 2013 CAMH research study confirmed that those children in the study with a mentor were significantly more likely to be confident in their academic abilities, and less likely to display behaviour problems. Further, the study showed that mentored children have better school attendance and go on to higher education,  are less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, are less likely to bully or be bullied and have improved communication with their parents.

                                                                            See the study

In 1990, the search Institute released a framework for 40 Developmental Assets. Data collected from surveys of more than 4 million children and youth from all backgrounds and situations has consistently demonstrated that the more Developmental Assets young people acquire, the better their chances of succeeding in school and becoming happy, healthy, and contributing members of their communities and society. Notably, having a variety of non-parental adult role models fits into a number of the identified assets.

Assets are identified as the building blocks of healthy development for children and Youth. Providing children and Youth with a greater number of assets can make a huge difference in their lives with far reaching affects on their lives.

                                                                          See the Assets

Bruce Grey Mentorship seeks to take this concept of impacting children and youth through mentoring and make it a reality in the lives of the families of our community. You can read about the impact of positive role models in a variety of articles and from a variety of sources, but the best way to see the difference it can make or rather the difference YOU can make, is to experience it yourself. 

Consider becoming a mentor for a child or youth today and begin changing their lives in wonderful ways.  

If Mentoring is for you, click below.


  Mission:To match children and youth, who will benefit, with mentors who will help them build confidence and self-esteem.